Wednesday 1 October 2008

The End of the Conference season

So after 2 1/2 weeks in Birmingham, Manchester and Bournemouth the Party Conference season is over.

To be honest there seems to be positives to dwell on for the main three Party leaders in the UK.

Despite the lack of the progress in the Polls. Nick Clegg can be satisfied with the party's conference. The Liberal Democrats with arguably some of the stars in the Westminster show have impressed me. In particular Chris Hunhe's speech in the conference evoked some feelings inside me that although I was pleased that Clegg won the leadership election (My home is in Sheffield and have met Clegg a few times) that Chris Hunhe was someone who was actually good enough to be a decent leader for the Liberal Democrats.

The Prime Minister entered his parties conference in Manchester amid speculation that he may not even see the party to a general election. Brown facing critics on all sides impressed me with the feeling of personality that he showed, and for once in public he was seen to have the backing of the cabinet, though it still seems that there are people wanting Browny to get back to the palace to return the seals of office as PM to HM. In a poll amongst party members 52% want rid of The 57 year old leading to the call that the party is a "dictatorship" by a long haired man in Question Time. However it seems that the focus has shifted off whether Gordon Brown will be deciding the date of the next election, to whether Labour can turn around the 20 point defecit in the polls.

The Conservatives had a lot to follow after the 2007 conference where Cameron's speech could have ultimately won him the next election at a time where things looked very rocky after the start that Brown made in office. Compared to that Birmingham 2008 seems almost to have been a non event with only Cameron's speeches being considered anything like the 2007 conference. Things not changing in the Conservative Party? What on earth would Mrs Thatcher say?

But to be honest coming out of the Conference season ready for the Westminster kick-off it seems still like the Conservatives will be in power in a couple of years time

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